A warm welcome is extended to new members irrespective of level of musical experience, be that considerable or restricted to enthusiastic, impromptu rendition of your favourite songs in the bath. There are no auditions or voice trials involved and an ability to read music, whilst an obvious asset, is not a necessity - indeed only a few of the choir’s members claim such proficiency.

The musical team provides expert guidance and together with plenty of encouragement from your colleagues, new members soon find themselves thoroughly enjoying their new singing experience and the camaraderie of the choir.

Singing is, of course, thirsty work and a little post-rehearsal refreshment is available and frequently enjoyed by many members in a nearby hostelry, The Travellers Rest - see Links.

HMVC Member Reviews


Having sung for many years in a four part mixed choir I decided to investigate the possibility of joining a male voice choir. I found a warm welcome at Harrogate Male Voice Choir and soon became appreciative of the unique sound produced by fifty or so enthusiastic members. The Musical Director, Patrick Lee, leads the choir with a disciplined approach managing at the same time to share his passion for different choral arrangements of many classics in the male voice repertoire.
Ivor Drake (Bass)

Tuesday Night is music night

The choir rehearses between 7.30 and 9.30pm every Tuesday evening from early September to mid-July, in Woodlands Methodist Church Hall, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, HG2 7SG.

If you would like any further information please contact either :-
Tom Holland: Members’ Rep – Tel : 01423 549701 / email: st.win@ntlworld.com or
David Bayne : Choir Secretary – Tel : 01937 360867
or just turn up one Tuesday night when you will be made most welcome.

About Us

We are a friendly, open, community based Male Voice Choir.

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