A warm welcome is extended to new members irrespective of level of musical experience, be that considerable or restricted to enthusiastic, impromptu rendition of your favourite songs in the bath. There are no auditions or voice trials involved and an ability to read music, whilst an obvious asset, is not a necessity - indeed only a few of the choir’s members claim such proficiency.
The musical team provides expert guidance and together with plenty of encouragement from your colleagues, new members soon find themselves thoroughly enjoying their new singing experience and the camaraderie of the choir.
Singing is, of course, thirsty work and a little post-rehearsal refreshment is available and frequently enjoyed by many members in a nearby hostelry, The Travellers Rest - see Links.
HMVC Member Reviews

Born in Cardiff I enjoyed singing in school and as a Church choirboy up until the age of about 11. We rehearsed on a Thursday evening and sang at morning and evening service on the Sunday. I do remember it as a worthwhile activity especially when our singing made the old ladies get their hankies out and also the choir trips to Weston Super Mare on the paddle steamer. I had a long break and I was 28 when I joined a Male Voice Choir in Bedfordshire and was hooked. I am now aged 68 and I still enjoying singing, perhaps more than before as Harrogate Male Voice Choir now performs confidently as the result of fresh musical direction. I would encourage any man who has the slightest inclination to sing to come in and give it a try and you will not regret it.
Coming from a ‘chapel’ background I have always been interested in singing and joining a Male Voice Choir seemed a natural thing to do over 20 years ago. The last few years in the choir have seen considerable change with an emphasis on singing with accuracy and control. This has been quite challenging at times but increasingly satisfying and long may it continue.
I have been singing with the choir for over ten years now and continue to enjoy it. My colleagues have all been friendly, and experienced singers have helped me with learning how to read my music part and sing well. I enjoy the standard MVC repertoire and the leadership of our MD, and I always look forward to performing at concerts.
I joined ‘Harrogate Male Voice Choir’ two and a half years ago. I was then 64 and had never sung in a choir before. I don’t read music very well, but have not found it too difficult to learn the parts – and having learning tracks on the website has helped. I love the variety of songs within our repertoire. We have two wonderful pianists in Avril and David and our Musical Director Patrick has a fantastic way of passing on his years of experience to those of us who have a lot to learn. It has been a great experience for me. We have a lot of fun and laughs – but we are serious about being as good as we can get.
When I initially joined ‘Harrogate Male Voice Choir’ I was nervous, hadn’t sung for many years. The Director, Patrick, said “you’re not bad but there’s room for improvement”. Then I realised he was talking to the whole choir. 12 months on and there’s a real buzz as we all feel we are getting better, a lot better. Banter and quips flow around the choir as our confidence grows. Everybody’s included, there’s a good team feel about rehearsals, we’re starting to feel cocky! And the Director says “you are good — sometimes but there’s room for improvement” and we all know that we are going to enjoy the future. Glad I joined, I love it. Even the Director smiles, sometimes.
I joined HMVC after spending nearly half a century in foreign parts to find one old school mate and another fellow from the same foreign part I had lived in were also Members. A great way to renew old acquaintances. Choir Members come to rehearsals from all parts of the Harrogate area so, if you think you can’t get to the Choir, as I did, you will have very little trouble getting a lift. Very generous and most accommodating people. What a pleasure. Singing helps the breathing and helps to expand the lungs into the lower abdomen. That is my excuse for my waistline growing anyway.
Having sung for many years in a four part mixed choir I decided to investigate the possibility of joining a male voice choir. I found a warm welcome at Harrogate Male Voice Choir and soon became appreciative of the unique sound produced by fifty or so enthusiastic members. The Musical Director, Patrick Lee, leads the choir with a disciplined approach managing at the same time to share his passion for different choral arrangements of many classics in the male voice repertoire.
I have always enjoyed a whole range of music, including the occasional Karaoke number, but it was by pure chance that I became involved with Harrogate Male Voice Choir, not having previously sung with any choir since my primary school days. After a chance meeting between my sister-in-law and a choir member, I was encouraged to make contact to obtain more details. This led to me joining a car-share arrangement to Tuesday night rehearsals. The choir members could not have been more welcoming, with everyone being so friendly and helpful. I was initially placed with the 2nd Tenors to establish my vocal range and was given brilliant support by my mentors which certainly helped to put me at ease, I am still with them. I have been hugely impressed by the sheer professionalism of our Musical Team, made up of Director, Patrick and accompanists David and Fiona. I find the whole experience invigorating, enjoyable, most satisfying and worthwhile, and the results of our efforts a joy to hear.
I was in my 80th year before I learned of the Harrogate Male Voice Choir. Fifteen years of retirement had been wasted on relatively trivial pursuits! Rehearsing on a Tuesday evening has become a joy. Not only do we have good company, but we learn techniques of good singing, and end the evening with a sense of accomplishment. My health has also improved since I took up singing again after a gap of nearly sixty years.
I joined HMVC quite a few years ago now, and am still being rewarded with friendship and fun with the guys in the choir. We have improved our performance level enormously during the last five years with our Musical Director, Patrick, at the helm. This climaxed with our 50th Anniversary Concert in the Royal Hall which we shared with our guests, the brilliant Voces8 singers. The choir welcomes men of all ages and abilities and surprises many new recruits when they discover that they have a talent for singing that was not evident to them before joining, and that they fit in very easily. Why not give it a go?

Tuesday Night is music night
The choir rehearses between 7.30 and 9.30pm every Tuesday evening from early September to mid-July, in Woodlands Methodist Church Hall, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, HG2 7SG.
If you would like any further information please contact either :-
Tom Holland: Members’ Rep – Tel : 01423 549701 / email: st.win@ntlworld.com or
David Bayne : Choir Secretary – Tel : 01937 360867
or just turn up one Tuesday night when you will be made most welcome.