“Harrogate Male Voice Choir over 50 years of singing”
Whilst there is evidence of earlier male voice groups in Harrogate, Harrogate Male Voice Choir as we know it today evolved from the decision, in 1969, of an enthusiastic handful of singers to dedicate themselves to the laudable task of promoting male choral singing in the area and to the raising of funds for deserving causes through public performances.
Fifty years on, the aims of those early pioneers remain as the raison d’etre for some 50 members to rehearse each Tuesday between August and the following June and for a dedicated Musical Director and two accomplished Accompanists to share their professional expertise with a predominantly amateur membership.
The choir has performed in small village churches, cathedrals, castles, stately homes and several times in the Royal Albert Hall, albeit appearances in the latter have been in the company of several hundred other singers whose efforts have raised well over £500,000 for investment into research for a cure to the many forms of cancer which plague us today.
The choir has also performed on a more personal level at many weddings, landmark anniversary and corporate events and has participated in numerous joint concerts with other choirs visiting the Yorkshire area from all parts of the country.
In recent times Harrogate MVC has initiated a “Sing Out” project, reaching out to and involving children from local primary schools in joint performances. This aims to support the efforts of
school music teachers in encouraging young children to participate in musical activities as part of their confidence building and overall development.
CD Extracts – Harrogate Male Voice Choir

Tony Goodall Chairman
Email: chairman@harrogatemvc.org.uk

David Bayne Secretary
Email: secretary@harrogatemvc.org.uk