Policy on Uniforms

HMVC  Policy on Uniforms

This document explains the position of members who received new uniforms in 2019 for the 50 year’s anniversary concert, and summarises the discussions and decisions made by the Committee on this subject since August 2021.

Members who joined before May 2019

All members in 2019 received full new uniforms (trousers, jacket, shirt and tie). These uniforms are deemed to be the property of HMVC.  There are a number of spare items in each category which are being administered by Ian Ibbotson.

Some members who have left the choir since that time have returned the uniform suits and trousers which have been dry-cleaned, stored and added to our stock.

Storage has proved to be a problem however, and at a meeting on 25th January 2022 it was decided that uniforms should no longer be “recycled” but should be given to retiring members who could be asked for a voluntary donation to choir funds.

New Members since 1st February 2022

This has so far been administered on an “ad hoc” basis depending on whether  a “recycled” jacket and trousers fitted a new member, whether they came from new stock or had to be purchased.

As from 1st February 2022, new members will be asked to contribute half the cost of purchase of their uniform, the balance from choir funds.  Contributions may be paid in instalments over 2 years.

If the new member chooses to be issued with a part uniform recycled from a retiring member, there will be no charge for that item, any new pieces to be at half cost.

New items issued from choir stock will be charged at current replacement cost.
